Facebook, Google, AT&T back Apple in FBI fight - Thecatchnews

Facebook, Google, AT&T back Apple in FBI fight

SAN FRANCISCO — A wave of tech companies that include the industry's biggest names filed court statements backing Apple in its battle with the federal government over access to a killer's iPhone.
Twitter was one of 17 allied tech firms filing a federal court amicus brief Thursday, a group that includes Airbnb, LinkedIn and eBay. AT&T and Intel each did the same, along with the Electronic Frontier Foundation and 46 technologists, researchers and cryptographers.
A second coalition that grouped 15 mature tech companies with younger start-ups — including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Cisco, Microsoft, Mozilla, Snapchat, Box, Slack and Yahoo — also filed in support of Apple, urging the court to exercise caution in applying a legal decision from an era when cell phones and the Internet were unheard of.
"(The government request) is an overreach, it is asking a tech company to undermine years of security," Mozilla chief legal officer Denelle Dixon-Thayer told USA TODAY.
Apple is getting broad tech world support for its refusal to comply with an order from a judge in California who said Apple should help the FBI unlock an iPhone used by one of the killers in the San Bernardino mass shooting in December. Apple says writing new software to override encryption on that particular iPhone would create an digital opening into countless other iPhones that other governments and criminals could exploit.

Among the various groups filing briefs is an assemblage of top iPhone hacking talent, including former National Security Agency crypto expert Charlie Miller. They argue that if the FBI wins this case, it could later demand that a broad spectrum of companies be forced to push software updates out to users’ devices, from TVs to phones.
The individual and group filings from the tech companies argue that the FBI's request is broad overreach of the government's mandate.
"This case isn’t simply about letting the FBI pick the lock to a dead terrorist’s phone. It’s about whether governments can conscript private companies to disable security features built into their devices," said Ron Bell, general counsel at Yahoo.
And that type of action — compelling a company to write software code it wouldn't otherwise — raises "serious First Amendment problems", read the brief from the Google-Facebook-Yahoo coalition.
"Those new versions would not be the same product anymore.  Snapchat would not be Snapchat; Box would not be Box; Gmail would not Gmail; WhatsApp would not be WhatsApp; and so on," read the brief.
Apple set up a page on its website that lists those supporting its position. The case is conspicuously being played out in the public eye, which has led some observers — and even some supporters — to suggest that the better course of action is to broker an agreement in private.
"The rhetoric has exceeded the reality," Autodesk CEO Carl Bass told USA TODAY last week. "They need to settle the immediate case, and then people can be more rational."
Autodesk is part of the Business Software Alliance, which includes companies such as Salesforce, Oracle and IBM. It filed a brief along with big trade groups such as the Consumer Technology Association, which puts on the annual Consumer Electronics Show, and the Information Technology Industry Council.
A coalition of top law enforcement officials in California offered its support of the FBI, arguing that Apple’s privacy concerns are “misplaced.’’
“Law enforcement is not asking this court to compel the locksmith (Apple) to give them a master key to unlock all locks built by this locksmith,’’ wrote various attorneys representing the California Sheriffs’ Association, the California Police Chiefs’ Association and the California Peace Officers Association.
The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys was blunt in its brief: "To be clear: if Apple can refuse lawful court orders to reasonably assist law enforcement, public safety will suffer, crimes will go unsolved and criminals will go free."
Apple filed its decision to not comply with the FBI request last week. A government response is due on March 10, with an Apple reply brief due March 15. A hearing on the matter currently is scheduled for March 22 in federal court in Riverside, Calif., just south of where the shootings took place.

FBI director James Comey recently testified on Capitol Hill about the need for his agency to access a killer's iPhone. (Photo: Nicholas Kamm, AFP/Getty Images)
The outpouring of filings, including from some telcoms — such as phone company AT&T — that had been less vocal in their support early on indicates Silicon Valley sees a government win in this case as a serious threat to global trust in their products.
The case has divided the American public. In polls, roughly half support Apple's concerns about consumer data security, while the other half feel that matters of public safety trump all.
That split is reflected in the amicus filings. Some victims' relatives have filed a brief backing the FBI request, noting that information on the phone might point to an accomplice. But at least one such relative — Salihin Kondoker, whose wife Anies died in the attack — filed a letter to Judge Sheri Pym supporting Apple and opining that the risk to privacy was too great and came at the risk of finding nothing on the iPhone 5c.
“The FBI’s job is to investigate crimes and they see the world through that lens, understandably," says Jennifer Granick, director of civil liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, which was part of the iPhone hackers filing. “But there are a wealth of other important American interests beyond that, such as privacy, cybersecurity, human rights violations and American companies’ ability to do well economically on a world stage.”

The Business Software Alliance, whose members include Salesforce and IBM, filed an amicus brief in support of Apple. (Photo: BSA)
In the amicus brief filed by the Twitter coalition, the social media company warned that the government's demands would set a dangerous precedent. Government's "extraordinary and unprecedented effort to compel a private company to become the government’s investigative arm" threatens "bedrock" principles of the Internet: privacy, security and transparency, the companies argued.
AT&T backed Apple's denial of an FBI request to access a phone used by one of the killer's in the San Bernardino massacre on the grounds that the matter is too delicate to be settled in the courts.
The telco company's amicus filing is significant in that a week ago AT&T released a statement asking for "legal clarity" in the matter, noting that many existing telecommunications laws were crafted in a pre-cell phone era. Other cell carriers also hesitated to pick a clear side, with T-Mobile CEO John Legere telling a CNBC interviewer that he "wouldn't know how to advise" Cook.
On Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union was the first major organization to officially throw its support behind Apple.